Leia a prova com atenção e responda as questões em seu caderno. Lembre-se de justificar as suas respostas, isto é, explique o motivo que escolheu a alternativa como correta. Após, printe (fotografe) e envie para a profª Marcia pelo WhattsApp ou no e-mail marciaronasc@gmail.com.
Boa prova!
Data da entrega: 26/05/20
Name: ____________________
GROUP: _____ 8º ______
DATE:____/___/ 2020
Texto 1:
1. Relate each image with its definition and choose the correct alternative.
(A) C – B – A – E – F – D
(B) D – F – E – A – B – C
(C) D – E – F – A – C – B
(D) F – D – E – B – A - C
2. Check the
alternative that contains the correct answers:
(A) 1) Lake /
river – 2) River – 3) Ocean
(B) 1) River/
aquifers – 2) Saltwater – 3) Freshwater
(C) 1) Groundwater/
river – 2) Ocean – 3) Saltwater
(D) 1) River/
river – 2) Ocean – 3) Lake
3. Check the alternative that presents the
correct definition for SALTWATER
the world has a salinity close to 35, wich means that for every liter of
seawater there are 35 grams of dissolved salts, mosto f which are sodium
chloride. Seawater has no uniform salinity around the globe.
(B) It´s
all that water that occupies all the empty spaces of a geological formation.It´s
formed by surplus Rainwater.
(C) Water
held undergrounded in the soil or in pores and crevices in rock.
(D) Less
than 3% of the planet´s freshwater, of wich 2,5% is trapped in glaciers. Of the
remaining 0,5% of water in the world, most are trapped in groundwater aquifers,
making human acess difficult.
Texto 2:
4) According to the text
why is Earth considered a water planet?
(A) That´s because fresh water became the most precious resource for
living in our planet.
(B) That´s because one-fourth of our planet´s surface is covered by
(C) That´s because three-fourths of our planet´s surface is covered
by water.
(D) That´s because every year, more and more people contribute to
save water.
5) Why fresh water became
the most precious resource for living in our planet?
(A) Because it became a
expensive resource for population.
(B) Because of the
population increase. People cause dirt to enter Earth's water and use it for
many things.
(C) Because there are
three-fouths of water in the entire planet.
(D ) Because our planet´s
surface is covered by water.
Aluno: __________________________________________nº _____ série____
Profº Marcia Romano
Quantidade de aulas: 02
Período: 18 a 25/05/20
TEMA: WATER RESOURCE (reforçando aula do dia 19/05)
1. Complete the
sentences with the right words from the box:
2. You will
write phrases in English in your notebook using the following words: rivers, lakes, oceans, aquifers,
groundwater, salt water and fresh water to ask about…
Avaliação: através das respostas no caderno, se possível printadas ou pelo e.mail : marciaronasc@gmail.com
Profº Marcia Romano
Quantidade de aulas: 02
Período: 11 a 19/05/20
Iniciaremos assistindo ao vídeo abaixo:
https://youtu.be/ZjJP0xoahO8 |
Agora, responda no caderno:
1. Reescreva
as frases na forma culta da língua portuguesa.
Brother, vem cá! Dá um help aqui, please! A transmissão está com Delay.
Ele é um
jogador de muito feeling. Reconheceu que precisa de um bom time para ter um bom
passe, um bom drible, e só desse jeito ele terá um upgrade.
2. Qual
é sua opinião sobre o uso do estrangeirismo? Você concorda ou discorda?
3. O que
é mídia, segundo o vídeo?
4. Qual é a
opinião do Sr. Américo em relação a mídia? Você concorda com a opinião dele?
Justifique argumentando sua opinião.
Avaliação: através das respostas no caderno, se
possível printadas ou pelo e.mail : marciaronasc@gmail.com
Link: https://youtu.be/Ye6tSCgeV7w |
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