Língua Inglesa 7º Ano


   Leia a prova com atenção e responda as questões em seu caderno. Lembre-se de justificar as suas respostas, isto é, explique o motivo que escolheu a alternativa como correta. Após, printe (fotografe) e envie para a profª Marcia pelo WhattsApp ou no e-mail marciaronasc@gmail.com.
                                                           Boa prova!

Data da entrega: 26/05/20

Name: ____________________

GROUP: _____   7º ______

DATE:____/___/ 2020

Nome do aluno: ________________________________nº____ 

Read the texts and answer the questions:

Working as a cientists: Observation.

To ask good questions and learn about coral reefs;
Ecologists observe animal in the wild;
When scientists make observation, they watch plants and animals to see how they Interact.
Working in a Lab:                                                 

After making observations, scientists can bring animal back to the lab to study them;
They can make more observations and study animals more closely in a controlled environment.
Scientists design experiments to answer their questions about diferente plants and animals;
They test these ideas to see if they can explain
the patterns they observed.

Working in the water.

Scientists use scientific tools.
They can use special câmeras under water.
They can dig with hand-made tools to see what in the sand.
Scientists measure animals and distances.
They may wear special clothes.

1. Scientists make observations. Why do they observe plants and animals?
(A) To make good questions
(B) To know them
(C) To see how they Interact
(D) To know the different species

2. Why the scientists can bring animal back to the lab?
(A) To observe them
(B) To study them
(C) To eat them
(D) To make experience them

3. Why Scientists design experiments?
(A) To study animals more closely in a controlled environment.
(B) To measure animal and distances
(C) To To see how they Interact
(D) To answer their questions about diferente plants and animals;

4. What do they do to see if they can explain the patterns they observed.
(A) They test these ideas, designing experiments
(B) They make more observations
(C) They study animals more closely
(D) They use scientific tools

5. Check an alternative where the phrase expresses a skill, ability or possibility.
(A) Scientists use scientific tools
(B) They test these ideas
(C) They can dig with hand-made tools
(D) They learn about coral reefs


Profª Márcia Romano 

 Quantidade de aulas: 02 
 Período: 18 a 25/05/20


  1.  Read the text  and answer in english:

a) What do they ask?
b) What do they observe?
c) What are they watching?

       d) After making observations what can scientists do?

      2. Read the text and answer in portuguese:

      a) O que os cientistas criam e por quê?

b) Por que eles testam as experiências?

Avaliação: Registro (respostas no caderno), printadas (fotos do caderno) se possível, ou pelo e.mail marciaronasc@gmail.com


 Profª Márcia Romano 

 Quantidade de aulas: 02 
 Período: 11 a 22/05/20

Nome do aluno: ___________________________nº____ 6º___


Iniciaremos assistindo ao vídeo abaixo:

1) Copie no caderno as palavras mencionadas no diálogo de Tininha para o Felipe:

    2.    Explique as expressões:

“Todas as lojas estavam on sale”

“Eu fiquei in love, mas ele não me deu nenhum feedback”

“Fui pra casa fazer meu homework da faculdade porque já era deadline”

      3. Qual é o nome dado ao uso de palavras de outros idiomas na nossa língua portuguesa?

      4. Cite algumas palavras que foram aportuguesadas de acordo com o vídeo.

Avaliação: Registro (respostas no caderno), printadas (fotos do caderno) se possível, ou pelo e.mail marciaronasc@gmail.com



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